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What is the Mediterranean Diet and why it is so important?
The Mediterranean Diet is based on the dietary traditions of the people of the many regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea, including Greece, Southern Italy, Spain, Southern France, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Morocco. The Mediterranean people eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts and legumes, and whole grains; not too much dairy products, fish and poultry; and very small amounts of meats. The main source of fat which comes from olive oil and nuts is monounsaturated fat that usually constitutes 35-40% of calories and fat which comes from fish that is healthy omega-3 fat. In addition, a Mediterranean style diet includes moderate amounts of alcohol, particularly wine, which has been linked with a reduced risk of cardiovascular (i.e. heart) disease and seems to be companionable with a healthy lifestyle.
The Mediterranean Diet menu is characterized by an effectively balanced combination of fruit and vegetables, fish, cereals, and olive oil (source for beneficial polyunsaturated fats), with reduced consumption of meat and dairy products and adequate intake of alcohol, primarily red wine. The value of this diet lies in its ability to preserve the state of health and improve longevity, as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared in 2010.
Scientific evidence has shown that the adoption of the Mediterranean diet is a protective factor against the onset of various types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, aging and obesity. As shown by the Epic (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) study, the Mediterranean Diet is the most effective in the prevention of several chronic diseases, including cancer.
The nutrients that are found in abundance in the Mediterranean diet have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity properties and contribute together to the maintenance of health status. The anti-tumor effects of the Mediterranean diet are mostly due to the combination of antioxidant elements, fiber, and polyunsaturated fats. This dietary pattern is, therefore, necessary as a preventive mechanism against the onset of cancer and other chronic diseases but also to reduce health care costs.
Demonstration of the Mediterranean Diet Cycle where a Healthy Lifestyle, Energy Intake equal to the Expenditure
As shown in the picture above, at the base of the Mediterranean style there is a healthy lifestyle, energy consumption equal to the expenditure, high-quality olive oil and wine. Within the eating habits, the full focus should be on cereals, legumes, fish, fresh fruits, dried fruits, and vegetables. While animal fats and sugar should be limited use. Moderation should be the principal criteria of the Mediterranean model.
Mediterranean Diet Food Pyramid
The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid illustrates the traditional foods and drinks that style up the healthy, balanced Mediterranean Diet. This diet is made up of many of the foods you will find in other dietary pyramids. The main difference is in the frequency and moderation some foods are eaten. A greater part of foods can be included in a balanced and healthy diet but your overall health and welfare can be significantly affected by how often you eat a variety of foods, and the portion size you choose.
Daily Physical Activity, which is essential for welfare and overall good health, includes active exercise such as running and fast walking, more leisurely activities such as walking and gardening or housekeeping, and simple variations, such as taking the stairs instead of using the elevator. High recommended to exercise regularly, take care of your cardio activities on daily basis.
Olive oil, the main source of Mediterranean diet fat. Olive oil is used for almost all cooking, frying and baking, for dips and dressing salads and vegetables.
Wine and water (double W) – wine can be consumed regularly but moderately: up to 1 glass per day for women, 2 for men. Water is vital for proper hydration and contributes to health, well-being, and energy.
Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains, Beans, Herbs and Healthy Fats, such as those found in olive oil represent the fundamental ingredients of the diet. A diet of predominantly plant-based foods, such as vegetable and fruits, nuts, whole grains, legumes. Replacing salt with herbs and spices for flavor.
Fish and Seafood conquer their own section since they are vital sources of protein. Fish such as salmon, tuna, herring, sardines are rich in heart beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, and shellfish including oysters, mussels, clams, shrimp have alike benefits. Enjoy at least twice a week.
Yogurt, cheese, poultry, and eggs form a central part of the Mediterranean Diet and are eaten in moderate portion sizes several times a week. Everyone’s favorite cheese is eaten frequently but in small portions.
Meats and sweets – these foods are moderated and consumed less often. If you meat lover, select small portions of lean cuts, such as tenderloin, round, shoulder, strip, T-bone, and flank. Red meat meals are prepared only a few times a month. Sweets or sugars are enjoyed at a special day or as a treat.
Mediterranean Diet Menu Research and Findings
For years, the most recommended diet to prevent heart and other diseases was a low-fat diet. Then, after more sophisticated research and analysis, it was demonstrated the negative effects of sugar and refined carbohydrates which often included in low-fat meals. As a result many people turned to a low-carb diet, but low-carb diet does not certainly mean “healthy” diet.
Present day, people interested in the healthy lifestyle more and more focus to a traditional Mediterranean meal plan as one of the healthiest eating patterns. A study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine (2/25/2013), illustrates that a Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease by significant 30% rate for people at high risk for heart disease.
Study Findings
The study, conducted in Spain, included 7,447 people (ages 55-80), all of whom were at high risk of cardiovascular (heart) disease but had no heart disease at the beginning of the study. People were randomly assigned to one of three different diets:
- A control diet with reduced dietary fats
- A Mediterranean diet complemented with extra virgin olive oil
- A Mediterranean diet supplemented with mixed nuts
The people in these latter groups received either 1 liter of free olive oil per week or 30 grams (about 1 ounce) of free nuts per day. The participants who were in the low-fat group received small non-food gifts. There were no calorie constraints and no request to change exercise.
All of the participants had been eating some form of a Mediterranean diet prior to the study. But by the end of the study, the control group was eating less fat than prior to the process. After 4.8 years, the study was stopped when it became apparent that the people in the two Mediterranean diet groups were experiencing less cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, stroke, and other heart diseases) than the other two groups.
Overviewing other recent researches, if you’re looking for a heart-healthy eating plan, the Mediterranean diet might be the right choice for you.

What Mediterranean Diet consists of?
Let’s look at few of the many nutrition powerhouses that form the foundation of the Mediterranean Diet.
Beans – a great source of protein and fiber. Exchange beans for meat to make one or two meatless meals per week. If you use canned beans, rinse them well to remove some of the sodium.
Whole Grains full of nutrients, fiber and protein, whole grains contain “good” carbs and are an main ingredient for healthy eating. Try to cook popular Mediterranean dishes with whole grains such as brown rice, barley, bulgur, whole wheat couscous, and farro, for salads and side dishes.
Nuts, Peanuts, Seeds – packed with protein, fiber and heart-healthy fats, a handful of nuts makes a good snack. Don’t forget to add a small amount of nuts or seeds to salads or main meals.
Avocados are superfoods, high in fiber, and filled with healthy monounsaturated fat and vitamin E. Due to avocados nutritious ingredients add them to salads, use in dips, or simply eat out of the shell with a spoon all year round.
Fish – eat fish, which contain healthy fats, twice a week. Salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel are great sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Tomatoes – a source of vitamin C and lycopene, a potent antioxidant, tomatoes stimulate immune function and help fight chronic diseases.
Olive oil – it is the principal source of dietary fat used for cooking, baking, and for dressing salads and vegetables. Extra virgin olive oil is highest in healthy fats, phytonutrients and other important micronutrients which help to prevent various diseases.
Wine – contains powerful antioxidants that come from grape skins and seeds and has been shown to reduce the risk of most diseases of ageing. The recommended intake of wine is up one glass a day for women and two for men to help prevent heart diseases. Don’t worry if you’re not a wine drinker, have a glass of freshly squeezed grape juice.
Yoghurt – a protein powerhouse, yoghurt contains calcium to protect and strengthen bones and also has beneficial bacteria that are important for digestive health. Look for Greek yoghurt, which delivers twice the protein of regular yoghurt, plus a rich, tangy taste.
Mediterranean Diet Health Benefits
Mediterranean diets have long been known for their many delicious tastes and flavors. Many health benefits of Mediterranean-style eating are being realized: live longer and healthier with the Mediterranean Diet lifestyle.
- Lengthen Your Life
- Prevent Asthma
- Fight Certain Cancers
- Protect From Diabetes
- Keep Depression Away
- Lower Risk of Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure
- Keep Bones Healthier
- Nurture Healthier Babies
- Aid Your Weight Loss and Management Efforts
- Prevent Chronic Diseases
- Ward off Parkinson’s Disease
- Safeguard from Alzheimer’s Disease
Read more about Kalamata Olive Oil Health Benefits..
Mediterranean Diet Facts
Why is it called “Mediterranean Diet?”
This way of eating is typical of the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, in countries like Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Malta, Tunisia, Turkey, Algeria, Albania, Israel, Croatia, Libya, and Lebanon.
Is it really a “diet” – will I be hungry all the time?
The Mediterranean diet (or Med Diet as it’s often called) is more than a diet; it’s a lifestyle approach to healthy eating. It features fruit, vegetables, fish, beans, nuts and whole grains as well as other ingredients such as olive oil and wine that has been shown to promote good health.
How can I follow the Mediterranean Diet?
It’s easy and filled with healthy foods that taste great. Just follow a few easy tips such as these:
✦ Choose healthy fats like those found in Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
✦ Base every meal around fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, herbs, and spices.
✦ Choose lean protein sources like fish, poultry, and beans more often than red meat.
✦ Enjoy yogurt and small portions of cheese daily.
✦ Drink wine in moderation (up to 2 glasses per day for men and 1 glass per day for women).
Why should I follow the Mediterranean Diet?
Studies show that people who eat a Mediterranean Diet have lower rates of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer’s disease as well as lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Even better, following the Mediterranean Diet may help you live longer— so eat up!
Mediterranean Diet Myths
“The Mediterranean Diet is just another diet.”
Wrong! The Mediterranean Diet is a lifestyle. It is a sustainable way of eating and living. The Mediterranean Diet regularly promote good health and decrease chronic disease risk.
“The Mediterranean Diet is a relatively new approach to the diet and eating habits.”
Not true. The Mediterranean Lifestyle was propagated many years. Just only last century the nutrition scientists started researching the eating habits of Mediterranean people. It all started in the 1940s when the famous researcher Ancel Keys, named as a father of the Mediterranean Diet, proved that people who ate a Mediterranean diet had very low heart disease rates and were living longer than inhabitants in Northern Europe.
“The Med Diet consists of hard-to-get, weird foreign foods.”
The Mediterranean Diet pyramid is filled with foods most people eat every day, like whole grains, yogurt, milk, cheese, and seafood. The main difference between the Mediterranean Diet and the typical American diet is the frequency certain meals are eaten. Plant-based foods – fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and nuts – are fundamental, while foods like sweets and meats are eaten less often and in reduced amounts.
“Sweets and sugar are not allowed in the Mediterranean Diet.”
All foods take part in the healthy Mediterranean menu. However, moderation is important, but there’s no reason to disregard entire food groups or completely cut them out. Use it in a balanced way.
“I can eat whatever I want on the Mediterranean Diet and as much as I can.”
While it’s true that all foods fit in the Mediterranean Diet, portion size, balanced eating pattern and frequency are still key in the Mediterranean Diet. Choose healthy fats like those found in Extra Virgin Olive Oil which is full of antioxidants. Pick raw vegetables vs cooked.
Mediterranean Healthy New Habits
As you adopt the Mediterranean Diet, you’ll open your taste buds to a whole new world of flavors, while improving your health and wellbeing.
❖Try mashed avocado on the toast or bread instead of butter, margarine or cream cheese.
❖Enjoy guacamole instead of sour cream dip.
❖Add beans to chilies and casseroles or use half ground turkey and half beans instead of ground beef.
❖Cook beans, mash them and use them as the base of healthy dips with bagel or crisps.
❖Mix hummus with herbs and use as a toast or bread spread instead of butter, margarine or mayo.
❖Eat a bowl of fresh berries and yogurt, instead of ice cream. Reach for grapes, oranges, or melon chunks instead of cookies or chocolate.
❖Reduce the oil in muffins and quick bread by half and substitute unsweetened applesauce or mashed banana to make up the difference.
❖Serve a toast with sliced apples or pears on the side, instead of potato chips.
❖ Finish a meal with sweet, fresh fruit dessert instead of sweets.
Herbs and Spices
❖Use fresh or dried herbs and spices to add flavor to your dishes, soups, dressings, and sauces. Choose a healthier option and use less salt.
❖Reduce sugar by about half in baked goods and add cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg to enrich the taste.
Olive Oil
❖Dip bread or toast into olive oil rather than spreading it with butter or mayo. Use olive oil instead of butter on cooked or grilled vegetables.
❖Toss your favorite popcorn with olive oil and sprinkle Parmesan cheese or herbs instead of butter and salt.
❖Substitute olive oil for butter in baking for lighter-tasting bread and cakes.
Whole Grains
❖Stuff peppers with cooked whole grains or rice with tomatoes instead of meat.
❖Boil brown rice, whole wheat couscous, or other whole grains instead of white rice.
❖Try whole wheat flour in place of half the white flour in recipes for cookies, muffins, quick bread, and pancakes.
❖Cook whole grain pasta instead of enriched pasta as to triple the amount of fiber and reduce the number of calories.
❖Use Greek yogurt instead of mayo in potato and pasta salads or use proportion: 2/3 yogurt to 1/3 mayonnaise.
❖Use Greek yogurt in place of sour cream in baking, or instead of cream in a dressing.
❖Fruit-flavored yogurt can contain up to 5 teaspoons of sugar per serving. Buy plain yogurt instead, and flavor it with a teaspoon of jam or maple syrup, or your favorite fresh fruit.
Mediterranean Diet and Olive Oil
Olive oil has been the trademark of the healthy Mediterranean Diet for over 2,500 years. It adds balanced flavors and qualities to Mediterranean foods and is high in healthy, monounsaturated fats along with antioxidants. Simply sprinkle it on cooked fish or vegetables, or use it as a dip for bread or toast. Vegetables roasted, grilled, or sautéed in olive oil are simply tastier and rich in flavor – so you’ll find yourself enjoying eating them more!
Olive Oil Flavors
Olives are the fruit of the olive tree. During harvest, olives are hand-picked, washed in a water bath and then crushed into a mash. This mash has 3 unique parts: olive solids, olive water, and olive oil. First, the olive solids are separated. Next, the olive water and oil are quickly separated to keep the olive water from changing the oil’s taste and odor. Finally, the oil is bottled. The best quality olive oils are called extra virgin and are obtained from the first pressing of the olives (“cold pressed”). This means they’re not heated during the pressing process and contains natural healthy ingredients. Heating produces larger amounts of oil but decreases important flavor and healthy compounds, including flavenols and polyphenols, abundant in extra-virgin olive oil.
Olive Oil Grades
Olive oil is graded on quality, nutrition, acidity level, and processing method. Let’s review the types of olive oil in order of decreasing quality with main characteristics listed.
Buying and Storing Olive Oil
4 enemies of olive oil are age, heat, air, and light. When you buy olive oil, make sure it is fresh, this year harvest (no more than 18 months old). At home, store olive oil in a cool, dark place, not in a refrigerator.
Sauteing with Olive Oil
There’s no better method to highpoint the flavor of vegetables and seafood than sautéing. It’s an easy, healthy way to prepare your favorite dishes. To sauté, pour olive oil into a cold skillet or sauté pan and heat over low heat. When the oil is heated enough, add the food item. Stir, toss, or turn until cooked and enjoy!
Baking with Olive Oil
Baking with olive oil, instead of butter, cut the amount of cholesterol and unhealthy saturated fat in your favorite recipes. Olive oil produces lighter-tasting bread, brownies, biscotti, and cakes. And on top on all those good things – you use less olive oil than butter when baking!
Frying with Olive Oil
When you fry the food in olive oil, it is less greasy, and crunchier than frying in other fats. Also, foods fried in olive oil have less cholesterol and unhealthy saturated fat than foods fried in most other popular fats.
If you are interested to improve your health and increase the quality of life, you can try Oliviada Kalamata Olive Oil produced by local Greek family. Oliviada Shop ->
Mediterranean Diet: Make It Your Diet
Small changes in your diet can trigger big results in heart healthfulness and lifestyle. Here I can help you to bring the gold-standard Mediterranean Diet into your daily life and routine. Try these tips to get started.
♥ Use oils rich in monounsaturated healthy fat as the core source of fat in your diet to enrich vegetable, legume, lentil, fruit, and grain dishes flavour and nutrition. The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid features monounsaturated fats, such as olive, peanut, and canola oil, as a means of maintaining good health.
♥ Increase the variety of foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and peanut butter in your diet. It helps to increase your daily consumption of antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber. All of which have been linked to a decreased risk of certain types heart disease and cancer.
♥ The main course of your meal should bring plant foods to the center of your plate, and use meat as a compliment.
♥ Stock your pantry with versatile Mediterranean diet ingredients so you always have foods like olive oil, tuna, brown rice, pasta, and other whole grains on hand. It’s astonishing how many easy and quick Mediterranean meals you can make from a well-stocked pantry and no worry about no time for shopping.
♥ Use a blender to make Med-style smoothies for breakfast or as fuel for afternoon snacks, by combining yogurt with your favorite fruit. Frozen fruits (all kind of berries including) are exclusively worthy – they eliminate the need for any ice.
♥ When it’s sandwich time, match better bread with better spreads. Start with crusty whole grain bread and rolls or pita pockets – tastier and healthier than standard white bread – then spread with hummus, mustard, pesto or another flavorful Mediterranean spread. Add foods such as tuna, salmon, sliced turkey or chicken, lettuce, sprouts, shredded raw carrots, thin slices of cheese, feta cheese and sliced apples, melons.
♥ Keep pre-cooked frozen shrimp in your home freezer. You can cook shrimp quickly, making it an easy add on to one-pot sautés and pasta dishes. Canned salmon is a great choice, too.
♥ Use meat as a flavoring instead of the main component in a meal. Add small strips of sirloin to a sauté that features lots of vegetables and whole grains. You can add a small amount of diced prosciutto to a dish of pasta with Greek salad as a side dish.
♥ Eat a vegetarian meal one night each week. When that feels comfortable, try to increase the night number per week into two times, three and so on.
Keep Snacks Simple
♥ Top pita bread with a slice of tomato and a few tablespoons of grated cheese and broil for a minute to create a healthy mini-pizza.
♥ Marinate olives in olive oil, lemon zest, coriander seeds, and cumin seeds and enjoy as a tasty snack.
♥ Enjoy popcorn air-popped and tossed with a bit of olive oil and Parmesan cheese.
♥ Always focus on fruit due to their nutrition power. Eat an apple, an orange or a melon, or have a peach with ricotta or cottage cheese. Or spread a few apple slices with peanut butter or honey.
♥ Fill celery stalks with hummus, Greek yogurt or peanut butter. Always have cheese strings and enjoy a piece or two between meals.
Valuable tip – take a Brown Bag to Work
- Fill up a whole grain pita pouch with tomato, cucumber, and onion salad. Put the dressing in a separate container. Add it just before eating to keep the pita from getting melted and soggy.
- For a colder day, fill a thermos of soup or vegetable stew to work. Before you screw on the lid, throw in some whole grains leftover to make your soup even healthier.
- Transform leftover brown rice or other whole grains into lunch by mixing them with chopped raw vegetables or beans and adding a little salad dressing or Feta cheese.
- Keep whole grain bread or pita in the freezer. Make a sandwich using frozen bread and hummus, Greek feta, leafy greens, sliced peppers, tomato, turkey, chicken, or smoked salmon. By lunchtime, the defrosted bread will taste fresh.
- Pack a container of Greek yogurt, which has twice the protein of regular yogurt, and combines it with chopped fruit and a sprinkling of chopped nuts.
Mediterranean Diet and Your Family
The Mediterranean Diet is all about delicious flavours, textures and colours, with something for everyone—even finicky eaters! Try these tips for introducing the Med Diet to your family.
❖ Discovering the Mediterranean diet gives the whole family an opportunity to explore new tastes together. Present a small taste of a new food each week to encourage variety. Be patient and keep in mind that kids’ palates change over time. It can take up to 20 tries over months for kids to accept a different flavor or texture. Become a role model by presenting it in creative way and by eating new foods yourself.
❖ Encourage your kids to be creative and play with their food! When they need an afterschool snack or before supper when everyone is starving, get into the habit of setting out small bowls of Mediterranean Diet favourites: tzatziki, feta cheese spread, spicy muhammara, and different flavors of hummus. Provide an ever varying mix of fresh, raw vegetables cut into pieces for dipping. It can be celery sticks, baby carrots, sliced cucumbers, sliced red, green, yellow, and orange peppers, snow peas, sliced fennel, and zucchini strips – let your family and friends enjoy it and dip away. Try whole grain pita or crackers for dipping too!
❖ Add vegetables to every meal your kids already like. If pancakes are popular, add some grated carrots, or shredded pumpkin to the batter. Toss frozen peas or beans with hot pasta, camouflage extra vegetables in a fresh spaghetti sauce, or add sliced tomatos, diced sautéed onions or peppers to scrambled eggs.
❖ Make your own family favourite snack mix. In a large bowl, combine seeds, peanuts, chopped walnuts, raisins or other dried fruit, some whole grain cereal and a few small pieces of chocolate if you wish. Package it in “snack size” zip-lock bags to have on hand for car trips and lunch boxes.
❖ Delicious and fresh fruits at every meal are a key element of the Mediterranean Diet. So stay creative and combine apples, melons, dates, oranges, grapes, pears, peaches, strawberries and other fruits in plain sight. Inspire the whole family to eat fresh fruit rather than drink fruit juice for a better source of fiber and digestion, often lacking in our diets. Make healthy dessert by layering Greek yoghurt and sliced fresh fruit and berries in tall glasses. Use frozen berries to make great smoothies.
❖ Almost every dish or appetiser tastes better with good quality fresh olive oil. Kids who won’t eat boiled vegetables may love them roasted in olive oil (or raw in salads with olive oil dressing!). And you may succeed in getting everyone to eat sweet potatoes with peppers and carrots if you serve them as oven baked fries and veggies rather than mashed. For a whole different take on greens and taste, try making kale chips instead of steamed or boiled kale.
❖ Create Mediterranean style “variety plates” to help your family especially kids enjoy a wide range of flavors and a well-balanced nutrition meal. Position up to eight different foods on a colorful plate or small platter, relying on leftovers and items you have on hand. For example: a few slices of cold turkey, several cubes of cheese, a few baby carrots, a spoonful of hummus, a spoon baked beans, a helping of pasta or a whole grain roll, a small serving of lettuce with a favourite dressing, apple slices, a few olives, and several pickles. Everybody would enjoy such a selection.
❖ Get your all family involved in preparing meals and make it fun. Occupy little kids with washing fruits and vegetables at the sink. Ask older kids to cut the vegetables, toss the pasta, dress the salad and set the table. Tell interesting and educative stories to kids while preparing family dinner. Children who learn basic kitchen skills appreciate it later in life and have a legacy to pass along to other generations.
Mediterranean Diet Grocery List
Organize your kitchen and pantry shelves to have the main foods and natural spices of the Mediterranean Diet within easy reach. Keep a variety of choices so you can always make a healthy and delicious meal:
Mediterranean Diet Breakfast
Set a high bar before the day starts by intaking as much nutrition as possible. Start with a healthy breakfast! Opt for fiber-rich whole grains as a base and top with fresh fruit or natural mountain honey. Healthy Omelette is a perfect combination for many healthy ingredients —try Feta, tomatoes, ham, spinach and other toppings.
Mediterranean Diet Lunch
Your lunch is the most important fuel for afternoon energy, so make it count. Whole grain or brown rice bowls make a perfectly packable lunch and deliver a diverse offering of healthy ingredients, from quinoa to canned tuna or salmon to roasted veggies. Here, it’s all about convenience—add a protein boost to a crisp, leafy green salad with cannellini beans or chicken, then season with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Mediterranean Diet Dinner
If lunch was a nutritional bust, then dinner is your chance for redemption. Focus on creating a balanced plate with plant based foods as a focus, and challenge yourself to go vegeterian at least twice a week. Find small ways to boost the nutrition of your meal, whether it’s adding fresh spinnich over homemade pizza, tossing leftover grilled veggies into pasta, or sprinkling chopped nuts or pumpin seeds over a salad.
Traditional Greek Cretan Dakos is full of summer freshness and energy
Mediterranean Diet Snacks
Cure an evening snack attack by chewing on fresh fruit such as apple slices or grapes, healthy nuts such as almonds, or raw vegetables such as carrots or celery dipped in peannut butter, hummus, or Greek yoghurt dip. If you have time, make homemade hummus or bean spread, bake crunchy fruit and veggie chips in the oven.
Always remember – 10 Olives per day, keeps Doctor away!
Sources: US National Institute of Health; Oldways – food & nutrition non-profit organization;
Hi, I’m Vangelis Kleftogiannis, the founder of Oliviada and an established olive oil expert from Kalamata, Greece. My expertise isn’t just in producing quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, but also in the cultivation and care of olive trees themselves. I am deeply committed to sharing my knowledge and know-how, helping others understand the intricacies of olive tree growing and the creation of quality olive oil.
Mr Vangelis,
I am a consumer “obsessed” with Kalamata olive oil and Kalamata olives I purchase from a Greek store nearby. I came about your “Olivada mission” article about the importance of high-quality food for their health and wellness.
I had no idea how my beloved olive oil can improve my health, appearance and virtually my every day life.
Most comprehensive article.
Thank you,
Hi Michelle,
thank you very much for your nice words! Appreciate it! I created a blog for food lovers with a mission to spread the knowledge of how important quality olive oil and olives are in our day-to-day life. Have a nice day!